
Mirrors Edge 2 soll kommen - nur wie ist die Frage

Donnerstag, 03. Dez. 2009 21:52 - [jp] - Quelle: Kotaku

Obwohl sich "Mirror's Edge" alles andere als gut verkaufte, will Electronic Arts offenbar eine Fortsetzung.

John Riccitiello, der CEO von Electronic Arts, hat einige interessante Dinge geäußert:

"We're still working through things like how to best deal with Mirror's Edge 2. There are some things we learned about that [first] game. It was, I think, a massively innovative product. To be honest with you, I think it's a game that deserves to come back."

EA hatte im Zuge von Sparmaßnahmen rund ein Dutzend Spiele auf Eis gelegt. Das klingt nicht so, als wäre Mirror's Edge 2 eines davon.

Riccitiello räumt auch Fehler ein:

"I think Mirror's Edge was a fascinatingly original world.Fascinatingly original art direction. Music and sound design was great. I think the gameplay mechanic was a blast, but was intermittent and the levels didn't work. You found yourself scratching at walls at times, looking for what to do. Sometimes you had a roll going, downhill, slide, jump, slide, jump and then you just got stopped. It sort of got in the way of the fun.[...]"
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