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Alt 27.07.2005, 19:38   #29 (permalink)
Extrem Tweaker

Registriert seit: 07.09.2002
Beiträge: 2.129

-Razor- befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast

Standard AW: Wärst du ein Nazi gewesen? Der Test

Achtung! You are 69% brainwashworthy, 77% antitolerant, and 71% blindly patriotic You probably you lack the charisma and intelligence to be Hitler himself, but then again, who knows? You've got a few of the necessary traits, at least. You are crazy, nationalistic, and more proud of your background than you should be. Right now I am breathing a big sigh of relief that you don't live in Germany in the 1930's, although I guess things couldn't have gone any worse than they did, even with your help. Maybe all this energy that you feel right now could be directed to an end less evil? Are you a Police Officer? Not in my town, I hope.

Sadly, you exceeded expectations on all 3 indicators.

Deutschland: Uber Alles!

war ja klar, dass das so kommen musste....http://forum.tweakpc.de/images/icons/icon10.gif
-Razor- ist offline   Mit Zitat antworten