
GNOME 2.6 erschienen

Donnerstag, 01. Apr. 2004 12:03 - [fs] - Quelle:

Das Ziel Ende März konnten die Entwickler ganz knapp nicht erreichen, doch am heutigen ersten April ist die neue Version des GNOME-Desktop erschienen. GNOME 2.6 bringt etliche Neuerungen, meist kleinerer Art, mit sich.

Pressemitteilung GNOME 2.6 Release The GNOME 2.6 Desktop is the latest release of the ever popular, multi-platform free desktop environment. GNOME 2.6 desktop has several interesting new features and hundreds of bug fixes. These make day-to-day usage much easier, with noticeable improvements in the user interface, general stability and speed, and the built-in help system. You can learn more in the following sections. GNOME provides a user-friendly environment that "just works" for everyday users, without excess complexity or obscure features. At the same time we provide the rich flexibility experienced developers demand.

GNOME runs on a variety of platforms, including GNU/Linux (commonly called Linux), Solaris, HP-UX, BSD and Apple's Darwin. GNOME includes powerful features such as world-class smooth text rendering, a first-class accessibility infrastructure, and a complete internationalization infrastructure that includes support for bi-directional text. Of course GNOME 2.6 includes all of the improvements made in GNOME 2.4, which you can learn about in the GNOME 2.4 release notes. The Desktop release contains all the applications needed to provide basic user functionality. Major applications such as Gnumeric and Evolution are also available, but are developed in parallel on their own release cycle rather than being included in the core GNOME release. Visit the GNOME 2.6 start page.

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