
AVP: Neuer Wurm Yarner entdeckt

Mittwoch, 20. Feb. 2002 13:43 - [al]

AVP gibt per Pressemitteilung eine Virenwarung heraus. In dieser wird der Wirm als "highly dangerous", also sehr gefährlich eingstuft wird. Die Methode, mit der sich der Wurm verbreitet ist diesmal äusserst hinterlistig. Als Anti-Viren-Programm getarnt, versucht er die Leser zu täuschen. Der Mail, welche vor einem Virus "warnt", ist eine Datei mit dem Namen: YAWSETUP.EXE angefügt. Diese Datei ist wie immer auf keinen Fall auszuführen. Der Absender dieser Mail ist auf zwei Arten erkenntlich: Trojaner-Info [E-Mailaddresse des infizierten Computers woher die Mail kommt] Trojaner-Info [] Alle weiteren Einzelheiten erfahren Sie in der angefügten Pressemitteilung.

Pressemittelung Yarner: Not Every Anti-Virus Is the Real McCoy Kaspersky Labs, an international data-security software developer, announces the detection of the new, highly dangerous Internet worm "Yarner" that disguises itself as the antivirus program YAW. At this time, there have been reports of massinfection caused by this malicious program in Germany. Yarner skillfully hides under the guise of an official message from the popular German Web site that handles anti-virus security problems. Yarner spreads via e-mail in attached files. An infected e-mail has the following characteristics: The sender's address is chosen at random from the following: Trojaner-Info [the actual e-mail of the infected computer] or Trojaner-Info [] Attachment: YAWSETUP.EXE Subject: Trojaner-Info Newsletter [infected computer's current date] Should a user not exercise caution and open the attached YAWSETUP.EXE file, and should an active anti-virus not be in use, the worm launches its infecting procedures on the victim computer and begins spreading. Firstly, Yarner creates an additional file in the Windows directory with a random name (up to 100 symbols) and registers the file in the Windows system registry auto-run key. In this way, the worm is activated upon each system restart. In order to send itself via e-mail, Yarner obtains access to the MS Outlook address book and scans all .PHP, .HTM, .SHTM, .CGI, .PL files in the Windows directory, and gets e-mail addresses from there. This information is copied to the files KERNEI32.DAA and ERNEI32.DAS. Following this, the worm connects to a remote SMTP server, through which the worm sends its copies. Yarner has exceptionally dangerous and destructive features. In one in ten cases, after having sent its e-mail copies, the worm destroys all data and information on an infected computer. "Trojaner-Info, supposedly in whose name the infected messages are sent, is a popular German resource for solving antivirus security problems. This service has no relationship whatsoever to this current epidemic. What is occurring now simply confirms once again that an e-mail address and a message text can be easily falsified, and with the use of this trick, a user has a malicious program thrust upon him or herself," commented Eugene Kaspersky, Head of Anti-Virus Research at Kaspersky Labs. In connection with the latest epidemic, Kaspersky Labs once again recommends that users be absolutely careful when dealing with attached files, even if they have purportedly arrived from an antivirus developer. Defense procedures thwarting the Yarner Internet worm have already been added to the Kaspersky Anti-Virus database.More detailed information pertaining to I-Worm.Yarner can be found in the Kaspersky Virus Encyclopedia.
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