
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Demo

Montag, 10. Sep. 2007 17:54 - [jp]

Wie erwartet ist heute die Demo von "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars" erschienen.

Über die Hardwareanforderungen hatten wir bereits berichtet. Folgendes soll die Demo bieten:

"The Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars PC Demo comes with the final version of Valley, one of the larger battlegrounds in the game. Set in Yosemite, California, Valley has the Global Defense Force on the attack, as they attempt to foil a Strogg contamination plot centering on a water treatment facility. Valley features a great blend of close quarters infantry action, vehicle battles and aircraft dogfights, and the varied terrain combining mountains, waterways, tunnels and industrial structures allows for many different playing styles. To top it all off, there's a multitude of optional side missions and plenty of opportunities to try out the various defense turrets, artillery and radar deployables - Valley is a prime example of the frantic and diverse action you'll find in Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars."

Den 727 MB großen Download finden Sie beispielsweise bei 4Players.
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