
Crysis: Patch 1.3 ist in Arbeit

Freitag, 04. Apr. 2008 13:09 - [jp]

Bei Crytek ist man gerade dabei, am Patch 1.3 für Crysis zu arbeiten.

Der Patch wird nicht nur Bugfixes mit sich bringen, sondern auch neue Features. Genaueres ist aber nicht bekannt. Im CRysis Weekly Update # 10 heißt es lediglich:

"In an earlier weekly update we already confirmed that Crytek will continue working on patches for Crysis and supporting the community with new updates. Currently our Multiplayer dev team is fully concentrating on the upcoming Patch 1.3. It has been in development for quite a few weeks already, but we do not have a release date available just yet.

As for the content we can already say a bit, but not that much. The patch will not only include bug fixes and further gameplay balancing, we will also introduce new features to it. Unfortunately we cannot tell you too much about the content at this point, but be sure to not miss out the upcoming weekly update next Wednesday since it will include more news and details on the content itself."
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