
Spam kostet Unternehmen bis zu 2.000 Dollar pro Mitarbeiter

Montag, 14. Jun. 2004 15:40 - [al] - Quelle: nucleus

Nach einer aktuellen Untersuchung der amerikanischen Forschungs- und Beratungsgesellschaft Nucleus Research kosten Spam-Mails Firmen pro Mitarbeiter im Jahr bis zu 2.000 US-Dollar. Damit hat sich die Zahl im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr verdoppelt.

Die jährliche Produktivität wird durch die Bearbeitung von Spam-Mails um rund 3,1 Prozent gesenkt. Im Vorjahr lag der Wert noch bei 1,4 Prozent. Ebenfalls wurden 20 Prozent weniger Spam-Mails von entsprechenden Filtern erkannt. Die ganzen Zahlen zeigen, dass die neuen Gesetze gegen "Spam" keine Wirkung gezeigt haben. Pressemitteilung Wellesley, Mass.—June 7, 2004—Nucleus Research, a global provider of ROI-focused research and advisory services, today announced the results of its 2nd annual independent study researching the cost of spam on US organizations. "Spam: The Serial ROI Killer" found that the average cost of spam per year per employee more than doubled from the previous year to USD 1,934. The full report is available at For this report, Nucleus conducted in-depth interviews with employees at 82 different Fortune 500 companies – the same companies interviewed a year ago, along with IT administrators responsible for managing e-mail and other corporate applications. Some of the key findings in the report include the following: • The average employee receives nearly 7,500 spam messages per year, up from 3,500 in 2003. • Average lost productivity per year per employee is 3.1 percent, up from 1.4 percent in 2003. • Companies using spam filters report that on average they are able to filter only 20 percent of the incoming spam, down from a reported 26 percent in 2003. "As spam continues to spiral out of control, so do the associated costs to organizations, and weak legislation has not had a strong impact on reducing the amount of spam clogging inboxes every day," said Rebecca Wettemann, VP of Research of Nucleus Research. "Filtering technologies are doing their best to lessen the impact and do deliver a clear ROI, but the exponential growth of spam limits their effectiveness. Corporations need to continue to lobby for stricter laws and join industry leaders like Microsoft and Yahoo to file law suits and make it unprofitable for illegal spammers."
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