
Crytek: Kein Patch 1.3 - Stellungnahme

Freitag, 06. Jun. 2008 09:50 - [jp]

Wir hatten berichtet, dass es keinen Patch mehr für Crysis geben wird, auch nicht den bereits angekündigten Patch 1.3.

Offenbar hat das in der Community für einigen Wirbel gesorgt, jedenfalls bezieht Crytek nun Stellung:

[...]As you know, it was a very hard decision for us to cancel Patch 1.3, but in the end it was important we shift our focus to some of the new and exciting things we are doing with Crysis Warhead. We have a lot of great content planned for the community and as we get closer to launch, we’ll be sharing a lot of details of what we are working on behind the scenes. This was the main reason behind the cancellation of the patch and while piracy was and continues to be an issue with Crysis, it did not have any role in our decision to cancel this patch.[...]"

Die komplette Stellungnahme finden Sie bei CryMod.
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