
Sucht VIA eine Alternative zum V-Link?

Donnerstag, 27. Jun. 2002 12:49 - [fs]

Bisher setzte VIA bei der Verbindung von North- und Southbridge immer den eigens entwickelten V-Link ein, neuen Informationen zufolge könnte sich dies jedoch ändern. VIA ist in das HyperTransport-Konsortium aufgenommen worden und kann damit auf die HyperTransport-Technologie zurückgreifen. Sie ermöglicht, in der derzeitigen Variante, eine Datenübertragung von 800 MByte/s und soll bis auf mehrere GByte/s erweiterbar sein. Der V-Link von VIA kann zur Zeit maximal 533 MByte/s übertragen.

Pressemitteilung VIA Endorses HyperTransport™ Technology as Next Generation Chip Interconnection VIA announces membership of HyperTransport™ Technology Consortium and launches VIA K8 Series Chipsets, featuring HyperTransport technology in late 2002 Taipei, Taiwan, 26 June 2002 - VIA Technologies, Inc, a leading innovator and developer of silicon chip technologies and PC platform solutions, today announced support for HyperTransport™ technology, the next generation I/ O chip interconnection by joining the HyperTransport Technology Consortium. HyperTransport is a high-speed, scalable, low pin count interconnect suitable for a complete range of applications from PC systems to games consoles and mobile devices. "HyperTransport complements VIA's current portfolio of high performance I/ O technologies," commented Richard Brown, Director of Marketing at VIA Technologies, Inc. "The high bandwidth, low latency chip interconnect can deliver enhanced system performance across VIA's platforms and will be a significant component of future chip designs including VIA K8 Series Chipsets for the upcoming AMD Opteron™ and eighth-generation AMD Athlon™ processors" "VIA is a leading developer and supplier of PC core logic chipsets and their expertise in this area is a welcome addition to the HyperTransport Technology Consortium," said Gabriele Sartori, president of the HyperTransport Technology Consortium. "The momentum behind HyperTransport technology continues to move forward at full steam as more and more HyperTransport technology-based products are announced, developed and delivered to the market." "As a market leader and technical innovator, VIA continues to deliver added value to its customers by incorporating performance enhancing technologies like HyperTransport into its chip sets," said Rich Heye, vice president, platform engineering and infrastructure, Computation Products Group, AMD. "The strength of VIA's core logic coupled with the power of the upcoming AMD Opteron and eighth-generation AMD Athlon processors will provide customers with a powerful 64-bit and 32-bit compatible solution."
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