
Großes Update für Steam

Donnerstag, 11. Dez. 2003 18:37 - [fs] - Quelle: Gamestar

Nachdem es einige Problemen mit dem Spielen von Day of Defeat über Valves Online-Dienst "Steam" gegeben hat, wurde in der vergangenen Nacht ein umfangreiches Update online gestellt. Im letzten Update 1.1 waren unter anderem auch Probleme mit Counter-Strike und Team Fortress Classic aufgetreten.

Diese wurden nun im neuen Update gefixt, wie die Update-Liste zeigt: All Games: Fixed problem in Direct3D mode where the game would be unavailable for some users. Direct3D mode should work now, but note that OpenGL will provide a better play experience if your video card is capable Fixed regression that was causing the 'load failed' crash to happen on level change Optimized some of the particle drawing code For mod makers - debugging mods no longer requires the steam.dll to be copied into the game directory DAY OF DEFEAT: Added client side env_models for static prop type models Random class now abides by class limits No random class in clan matches Added exit decal on gunshots Restored door opening behavior to original style ( face the door and it opens away from you, face away and it opens towards you ) Fixed sniper rifle lowering when a sniper moved, even though he was still scoped Fixed a bug where you would drop your weapon, pick it back up and it would have less ammo More fixes COUNTER-STRIKE: Fixed shield exploit that involved dropping a weapon and buying a pistol in a specific order; you must restart your dedicated server to pick up this change TEAM FORTRESS CLASSIC: Fixed icon for ALT-TAB menu and window title bar not being displayed properly Den Steam-Client können Sie unter herunterladen.
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