

Dienstag, 13. Jan. 2004 03:11 - [jp] - Quelle:

Die CETRA, den meisten durch die Computex (Asiens größte Computer-Messe) bekannt, ändert zum 01.01.2004 den offiziellen Namen. Nach über 30 Jahren (gegründet 1970) nennt sich diese Institution nun TAITRA.

Pressemitteilung Taiwantrade--The e-Trading Hub for Illuminating Opportunities To further enhance our image as the foremost trade promotion organization in Taiwan since January 1, 2004, the name of our organization has been changed from China External Trade Development Council (CETRA) to Taiwan External Trade Development Council, or TAITRA. Established in 1970, we have promoted two-way trade of Taiwan and have been widely recognized with our performance. Starting in 2003, we integrated the promotion of Taiwan’s inbound and outbound investment as well as tourism industry to the spectrum of our services. To learn more about our recent activities, trade missions or news releases, please feel free to browse our website:
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