
ACON4: Deutsches Finale in Düsseldorf

Montag, 05. Apr. 2004 16:59 - [fs] - Quelle:

Anfang März berichteten wir bereits über die ACON4, ein Spiele-Event an dem Spieler aus 19 Ländern teilnehmen. Über das deutsche Finale gibt es nun weitere Informationen.

Die deutschen Spieler werden in Düsseldorf aufeinander treffen. Dort wird am 24.April der beste Warcraft III-Spieler ermittelt, der im Juni nach Shanghai fliegt, um Deutschland dort zu vertreten. Inzwischen wurde in England bereits ein Finalist bestimmt. Alex Bond wird das britische Königreich im digitalen Strategie-Gefecht vertreten. Pressemitteilung ACON4 Worldwide Registration Opens 15,000 gamers to compete for over USD 150,000 in prizes ACON4 is a global gaming event held in 20 countries and territories worldwide. Sponsored by ABIT, Intel, Kingston, Dong Feng Yueda Kia Motors, Western Digital, and Viewsonic, ACON4 promises to be one of the most exciting gaming spectacles of 2004, with the ACON4 finals being held in Shanghai, China. Now, ACON4 is pleased to announce that registration is open to gamers worldwide.
"The dedication to gamers seen by Intel, Western Digital, Kingston, Viewsonic, ABIT and Dong Feng Yueda Kia Motors have resulted in THE Gaming competition of 2004." says ABIT Marketing Director Scott Thirlwell. "With the global scope of ACON4, along with total prizes tallying to over USUSD 150,000, projections have over 15,000 gamers worldwide taking part in this exclusive gaming contest." ACON4 UK Qualifiers took place during Multiplay's i19 LAN event and Bond, Alex Bond of TAG took first place among all UK combatants. For coming out on top, Alex Bond will represent UK during the ACON4 Finals, which are being held in Shanghai, China. Mr. Bond will be flown all-expenses-paid to the final gaming competition, where he will pit his skills against 16 other contestants from around the world. Bit-Tech, Hexus and Tom's Hardware Guide were in attendance to cover the event. "It's really amazing to have won the UK qualifier for ACON4," said Alex. "I love to travel, I love to play Warcraft, and I love the Far East. So as you can imagine I'm pretty pleased about the result and really look forward to the main event in June. See you there!" ACON4 would like to congratulate Mr. Bond on his victory, and also encourage those from other regions to register for their change to represent their country during the ACON4 Finals in June. ACON4 qualifiers will be held in the following countries and territories: Event details, as well as registration information for ACON4 can be found at
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