
Mit VIA über 10.000 Euro gewinnen

Anzeige - Freitag, 02. Dez. 2005 23:03 - [jp] - Quelle:

In einem Gewinnspiel sucht VIA für das eigene Maskottchen einen Namen. Als Preise winken Komponenten im Wert von über 10.000 Euro! Beispielsweise ein VIA Notebook, ein iPod nano oder eine Xbox 360. Zu Pressemitteilung geht es hier.


VIA Mascot Naming Campaign

VIA is giving out prizes that is worth over €10000!!!

Following the success of 2005 VIA online soccer game, emails from everywhere were sending to us like mad asking us: “Who is this VIA bird? So tiny, so cool, so efficient that truly represents the latest VIA mobile CPU”

Yes, they are very much correct! This VIA bird was chosen that would best represent the latest VIA C7-M processor based on its diminutive size and unprecedented power efficiency.

And the last thing we need now is to let our curious users to give our VIA mascot a really cool name…

VIA is now running an online VIA C7-M mascot naming and voting contest in UK, France, Germany and China. This contest is really simple, whoever can provide a name that is eligible for the VIA C7-M mascot WINS BIG!!! Value of prizes total over €10000 and include: a custom-built VIA C7-M powered notebook, Sony iPod nano, digital camera, Microsoft XBox 360 and more.

The first stage “Submit a Name” will be from November 19th to December 4th, 2005
Followed by second stage “Vote for your favorite” from December 5th to December 19th, 2005

Am Gewinnspiel teilnehmen!

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