
Firefox 3.0 Alpha 3 steht zum Download bereit

Montag, 26. Mär. 2007 21:20 - [jp]

Wer sich die neueste Alpha-Version von Firefox ansehen möchte, kann dies nun tun.

Firefox 3.0, dessen Entwicklung unter dem Codenamen "Grand Paradiso" läuft, soll in der zweiten Jahreshälfte erscheinen. Am Wochenende ist die dritte Alpha-Version erschienen, zu den Neuerungen zählen unter anderem:
  • Animated PNG (APNG) images are now supported.
  • The DOM clientLeft and clientTop attributes are now supported.
  • Introduced support for , which puts resources into the browser's offline cache. This allows a web application to ensure that its resources are available in the cache when the browser goes into offline mode. See Marking Resources for Offline Use for further details on offline support.
  • Improved precision of layout and scaling across a wide range of screen and printer resolutions.
  • Implemented cycle collection in XPCOM, which detects cases where two released objects hold one another, but neither is held by anyone else. In this scenario, both objects can safely be purged. Previously, the holds each has on the other would have prevented them from being purged.
  • Added support for the HttpOnly cookie attribute, which marks a cookie as readable only by the server and not by client-side scripts.
  • Added a new preference, "Warn me when web sites try to redirect or reload the page", which notifies the user when the page specifies HTTP-EQUIV=refresh
Die Alpha 3 von Firefox 3.0 kann hier heruntergeladen werden. Es gibt allerdings nur eine englische Version (6,2 MB).
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