
Crysis Parallax Occlusion Mapping Screenshot

Dienstag, 22. Mai. 2007 16:09 - [jp]

Im Netz ist ein Screenshot aufgetaucht, der das Parallax Occlusion Mapping von Crysis zeigt.

Im Entwickler-Blog von NVIDIA zeigt man sich begeistert von Crysis und dem Crytek Team:

"One of the most difficult things about writing into a blog is that so much of what I see and what we get involved in cant be written about. Last week I was in Frankfurt, Germany with Avni, Cevat and Faruk Yerli of Crytek. I really enjoy working with the Crytek guys. In a cynical world its nice to be able to work with people that really care about their art and their story.

Crysis is looking good. I really cant reveal details but its coming on wonderfully. And there are some great surprises coming too. This is one of those rare games where you actually a book a day or two off work just to be able to shut the front door, turn off the phone and immerse yourself in the game. Its going to be that good. We are working now with EA to be able to tell some more about where the game is at very soon.

Das Parallax Occlusion Mapping soll den Texturen eine Tiefe verleihen, die auch bei einer Veränderung des Blickwinkels bestehen bleibt. Leider wurde nur ein Screenshot veröffentlicht, den wir Ihnen aber nicht vorenthalten möchten (zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken).

Crysis Parallax Occlusion Mapping Screenshot
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