
Download: Hellgate London Patch 1.2

Dienstag, 18. Mär. 2008 18:08 - [jp]

Nachdem heute bereits ein Patch für Company of Heroes erschienen ist, können sich nun auch die Spieler von "Hellgate: London" freuen.

Der Patch bringt das Spiel auf die Versionsnummer 1.2. Hauptmerkmal ist ein neues E-Mail-System, aber auch weitere Änderungen haben Einzug erhalten.

Change-Log (General):
  • Adjusted difficulty of the Nightmare endgame. Decreased the ramp of the damage penalty that players face against monsters higher than their level.
  • Fields from different sources can now stack. Please note that the graphics from new fields still override those of previous fields.
  • Players must now wait 5 seconds before they can re-enter a Hellrift.
  • Fixed a bug which caused weapons to disappear when swapping weapon sets in the middle of performing certain skills.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the /played command to display the incorrect amount of time played.
  • If a player dies during (or just before) a cut-scene begins playing or the game begins loading, the re-spawn options menu will come up after the cut-scene or loading screen is completed.
  • Vendor inventories in Nightmare difficulty should now be stocked with Nightmare-level items.
  • The Shock effect now deals damage immediately when it’s applied.
  • Several character and monster animations have been improved.
  • Fixed known Blueprint exploits.
  • Fixed a bug which sometimes caused files to require unnecessary patching.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the mini-game to become stuck if the player zoned to town or quit the game immediately after completing a round of the mini-game.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der offiziellen Homepage.
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