
Gigabyte unterstützt neue VRD 11.1 Power Spezifikation

Dienstag, 22. Jul. 2008 11:21 - [jp]

Gigabyte hat heute bekannt gegeben, den neuen VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) Standard zu unterstützen.

Pressemitteilung von Gigabyte

GIGABYTE Supports New VRD 11.1 Power Specification For Intel Core 2 CPUs

--Allows DES Advanced motherboards to gear down to 1 power phase for unequalled power efficiency during deeper sleep state --
Taipei, Taiwan, July 2008 – GIGABYTE UNITED INC., a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards today announced support for the new VRD (Voltage Regulator Down) 11.1 processor power delivery specification for the latest E-stepping E8000 and E7000 series of Intel Core 2 processors on all Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced (DES Advanced) motherboards. VRD 11.1 is a new energy saving power standard from Intel that communicates the CPU’s power requirements to the motherboard and enables DES Advanced motherboards from GIGABYTE to further reduce power consumption during idle operation.

The CPU power requirement is communicated via the processor Power Status Indicator (PSI) signal when the CPU is in the deeper sleep state. This PSI improves load efficiency of the CPU voltage regulator in order to improve platform power savings from VRD 11.1 compliant GIGABYTE DES Advanced motherboards. Since the fourth quarter of 2007, GIGABYTE motherboards have featured dynamic multi-gear switching to enable/disable power phases as the CPU workload varies. Older P35 chipset motherboards (with the previous generation of DES energy saving technology from GIGABYTE) are VRD 11 compliant and can drop down to a minimum of two power phases. Now with the new VRD 11.1 standard, GIGABYTE P45-series motherboards with DES Advanced technology benefit from additional power savings by dropping to only 1 power phase during deeper sleep mode, as can be seen from the single Phase LED in the picture above.

New GIGABYTE Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced

As an innovation and technology leader in the motherboard market, GIGABYTE prides itself in being first to introduce new technologies and features. With VRD 11.1, GIGABYTE is not only the first hardware vendor to adopt the new Intel CPU power standard, GIGABYTE has gone the extra mile and added support for VRD 11.1 on a full range of DES Advanced motherboards from the high-end EP45T-DQ6 down to the entry level EP31-DS3L and EG31M-S2 products. With GIGABYTE, tomorrow’s technologies and features are available on a full range of products, today.
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