
Sicherheitsfix für den Winamp

Sonntag, 29. Dez. 2002 14:27 - [fs] - Quelle:

Für das vor kurzem entdeckte Sicherheitsloch in Windows XP und Winamp ist nun ein Fix bereitgestellt worden. Die gefixten Versionen haben keine neue Versionsnummer spendiert bekommen - alle User, die vor dem 17. Dezember eine Winamp-Version heruntergeladen haben, sind jedoch nicht geschützt.

Das Fix für Windows XP finden Sie im Support-Bereich bei Microsoft. Pressemitteilung Security Fixes For Winamp: Get The Latest And Be Protected Some people just have too much time on their hands. Looks like someone out there discovered how to make programs crash by screwing around with the id3 tags in music files. We have taken measures to block anyone from taking advantage of you by adding a few security fixes to both Winamp 2.81 and Winamp3. We would like to say that these builds have new features but in actuality they are the same versions of the programs that you already know and love. However, to be fully protected, we suggest that you download the latest versions of them from our site right away. If you haven't downloaded Winamp since 12-17-2002 then you are vulnerable to the security exploit. Go grab the new builds of Winamp3 and Winamp 2.81 now. Thanks and have a happy/safe holiday season, The Winamp Team
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