
Der asiatische PC-Markt wächst um 15 Prozent

Montag, 20. Jan. 2003 14:31 - [fs] - Quelle:

Das Marktanalyseunternehmen IDC hat für das vierte Quartal 2002 ein Wachstum von 15 Prozent berechnet - nicht in Europa sondern in Asien (ausgenommen Japan). Im letzten Quartal wurden 6.847.918 PCs verkauft.

Für dieses Jahr sei man vorsichtig optimistisch, die politischen Kriesen im Irak und Nordkorea könnten das Wachstum in der kompletten Region negativ beeinflussen. Ausschnitt der Pressemitteilung IDC Reports Growth in Almost All Asia/Pacific PC Markets in Q4 2002 Singapore, 20 January 2003 – Preliminary results from IDC showed that the Asia/Pacific (excluding Japan) PC market totaled 6.8 million units in Q4 2002. This is 4% higher than the previous quarter and 15% higher than the same period last year. Many countries, including the key markets of China, Australia, and India, were able contribute solid gains to the region's total. Only South Korea was unable to post higher volumes than the same period one year ago. “Despite continued economic sluggishness and concerns of global instability in Q4, the Asia/Pacific PC market grew steadily in almost all countries in the region,” said Bryan Ma, Personal Systems Research Manager, IDC Asia/Pacific. “Falling component prices, new technology introductions, and an expected increase in IT spending should help to continue this gradual growth in the upcoming quarters, although an uncertain sense of global security could also mute such expectations.” Die komplette Pressemitteilung finden Sie direkt bei
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