
ABIT: Kostengünstige Server-Sicherheit

Dienstag, 21. Jan. 2003 21:31 - [fs] - Quelle:

ABIT hat in einer Pressemitteilung ein kostengünstiges Sicherheitsprogramm für Server-Mainboards vorgestellt. Um dies zu erreichen wird ABIT mit dem Partner Cavium zusammenarbeiten, deren NITROX-Prozessoren auf Mainboards verbaut werden.

Pressemitteilung ABIT and Cavium partner to bring low cost Security to the Server Motherboard ABIT server motherboards integrate Cavium’s NITROX™ processor to slash the cost of security processing appliance platforms Santa Clara, CA January 20, 2003 - ABIT Computer Corporation, a world-class motherboard manufacturer and Cavium Networks, the cost and performance leader in security processing today announced that ABIT’s SI-1Ns server motherboard is shipping with Cavium’s NITROX Security Macro Processor. ABIT’s SI-1Ns is an Intel® (NASDAQ: INTC) Pentium® 4 processor based server motherboard. Cavium’s NITROX is a family of single-chip security processing solutions with performance from 100Mbps up to 4Gbps with 1K to 40K RSA operations per second of IPsec or SSL protocol processing. ABIT’s SI-1Ns motherboard will be used in 1-U rack mount appliances for a wide variety of security appliances, such as VPN gateways, Integrated Firewall/ VPNs, SSL Webservers, SSL VPNs, Content Load Balancers etc.
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