
Sapphire tauscht Radeon 9800 Pro mit 128 Bit Speicher um

Donnerstag, 17. Jun. 2004 07:39 - [fs] - Quelle:

Die beim Release zu erwartenden Probleme mit Sapphires 128 Bit-Version der Radeon 9800 Pro sind eingetreten. Einige Kunden haben ein solches Modell erworben, ohne von den Einschränkungen zu wissen.

Auf den ersten Blick wirkt das Angebot "eine Radeon 9800 Pro für gut 170 Euro" sehr verlockend, doch die Ernüchterung kommt sobald man die ersten Benchmark-Werte vergleicht. Die Version mit auf 128 Bit beschränktem Speicherinterface ist deutlich langsamer als eine waschechte Radeon 9800 Pro, die immer noch gut 190 Euro kostet. Angesichts des wachsenden Unmuts, beispielsweise über die Webseite BoycottSapphire, hat das Unternehmen nun reagiert. Man wolle getäuschten Kunden anbieten, die beschränkte Grafikkarte bei Zahlung des Differenzpreises (25 US-Dollar) gegen ein vollwertiges Modell austauschen. Pressemitteilung SAPPHIRE Responds to 128-bit RADEON 9800 ATLANTIS Product Confusion
Since the roll-out of the SAPPHIRE 128-bit version of RADEON 9800 PRO core into the channel it has been brought to our attention that this model is being met with some confusion and for this we would like to extend our sincere apologies. Keeping with our level of interaction within the community, Sapphire is moving to alleviate said confusion by renaming the 128-bit version to the SAPPHIRE RADEON 9800 ATLANTIS and we are instructing each of our retail partners to clearly and prominently list the 128-bit specification. Further to this end, the SAPPHIRE RADEON 9800 ATLANTIS 128-bit products boxes will now be labeled with an oversized 128-bit sticker on the boxes face as well. Inquiries have been made into our retail partners and the investigation has yielded no findings that any of our loyal customers have been charged the 256-bit price for the 128-bit part. SAPPHIRE encourages any of our customers who purchased a 128-bit part under the assumption that it was 256-bit part to exercise your right to return your product. Should you have difficulty finding satisfaction with your retailer, SAPPHIRE continues to stand firmly behind our products and asks you to contact SAPPHIRE directly. For end users in the U.S. who can not return the product to the supplier feel free to contact 909-594-3128. You will need to present the product, sales receipt and provide the discounted retail price difference of USUSD 25. For end users in Asia contact +852-2689-8888 and request the procedure for upgrade. SAPPHIRE welcomes any and all inquiries into this matter in keeping with our commitment to our customers and welcomes the opportunity to continue to help outfit the gaming community with the industries most widely respected and innovative products."
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