
X-Micro: Video MP3 Player

Donnerstag, 25. Aug. 2005 12:28 - [jp] - Quelle:

Von X-Micro kommt ein neuer Video MP3 Player. Musik und Video für unterwegs hält man im Hause X-Micro für besonders interessant und will mit dem Video MP3-Player eine neue Ära einläuten. Zugegeben, ein Hingucker ist das auf jeden Fall.


X-Micro Launches Video MP3 Player

Music videos to go where you go

Taipei, February 15, 2005 -- X-Micro Technology Corp. has launched an innovative new MP3 player that features a color video display: the X-Micro Video MP3 player. The pocket-sized Video MP3 plays videos or displays photos on a crystal clear color OLED display. This device also plays MP3 files, displays lyrics, receives and records FM radio, offers digital voice recording, and serves as a USB flash drive.


The X-Micro Video MP3 lets users play music videos, home videos or other video clips, and display personal photos all on a device that slips easily into a pocket. Exceptionally lightweight, the Video MP3 can also be worn as a necklace or pendant. The device lets users watch their favorite music videos or share home movies and photos with friends wherever they go. Easy-to-use software to convert video and photo files is bundled with the Video MP3. Supported audio files include MP3, WMA, and WAV.

"The Video MP3 begins an entirely new era for portable MP3 players," said Luis Lin, president of X-Micro. "We believe this product will have tremendous appeal to the youth market. This is such a portable device that users can enjoy their favorite music videos no matter where they are. The Video MP3 can also be worn as a necklace or pendant, and with a video loop or photo slide show playing it makes a unique and eye-catching personal statement."

The X-Micro Video MP3 also lets users listen to and record from an internal FM radio and make digital voice recordings with a built-in microphone. The device is available with 256MB, 512MB, or 1GB internal memory capacity. The lithium-ion battery provides more than 10 hours playing time for music or 4 hours for video, and recharges when connected to a PC through the USB interface. The X-Micro Video MP3 is scheduled to ship in March, 2005.


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