
Desktop-Verkauf: AMD überholt Intel in Amerika

Montag, 17. Okt. 2005 12:03 - [fs] - Quelle:

Endlich hat es AMD geschafft und Intel in einem Marktsegment die Führung stretig gemacht. Während es im Notebook- und Server-Markt bei weitem noch nicht reicht, Intel die Krone abzunehmen, kann AMD im Desktop-Bereich punkten.


AMD konnte im US-Desktop-Markt nun einen Marktanteil von 55 Prozent erreichen, berichtet Current Analysis. Intel habe vor allem im Bereich der Media-Center-PCs Federn lassen müssen und blieb somit 6 Prozent hinter AMD zurück. Die Marktbeobachter schätzen den September als entscheidenden Monat ein, schließlich beginnt hier in den USA das neue Schuljahr und viele Schüler schaffen einen neuen PC an.


Spurred by Back-to-School Sales, AMD Surpasses Intel in U.S. Retail Desktop Sales in September

SAN DIEGO, Calif. – October 13, 2005 – After facing what seemed an insurmountable decline in desktop sales during the first six months of 2005, processor underdog AMD captured 52% of U.S. retail desktop sales in the month of September. AMD’s performance during the all-important back-to-school shopping season topped chip giant Intel’s 46% share by six points. Despite its past successes in surpassing Intel desktop sales in select retail sales weeks, September 2005 marked the first time AMD was able to outperform Intel for an entire month.

Directly contributing to AMD’s success was the rise in popularity of Media Center PCs. In September, Media Center PCs accounted for 46% of all U.S. retail desktop sales. Of those sales, 55% included an AMD-based processor.

The star system of the Media Center movement and AMD’s success was the HP
Pavilion a1130n. Running Microsoft’s Media Center OS and offering a 64-bit AMD Athlon 64 processor and 1 Gigabyte of RAM for a post-rebate price of USD&nbsp679; the a1130n has become the best selling Media Center PC in retail to date.

Toni Duboise, Senior Analyst of Desktop PCs states “This is a perfect example of being at the right place at the right time. AMD’s sizeable win in September can be attributed to a myriad of factors, one of the most impressive was being able to capitalize on the success of the most popular Media Center PC and find the consumer’s ‘sweet spot’ on multiple product and pricing levels. There is fantastic momentum surrounding the adoption of Media Centers and subsequently, AMD, in the forthcoming holiday season.

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