
Bakterien vererben Informationen

Donnerstag, 09. Jan. 2003 16:09 - [fs] - Quelle:

Das Team um Pak Chung Wong hat es geschaft Informationen in die Erbsubstanz von Bakterien zu kodieren und diese auch nach hundert Generationen noch zu entschlüsseln. Der Text "It's a small world" wurde unter anderem in Coli-Bakterien eingeschleust.

Information auf der Homepage: DNA-Based Data Memory Pak Chung Wong, Kwong Kwok Wong, and Harlan Foote. Organic Data Memory Using the DNA Approach. Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 1, Jan 2003. Introduction: A data preservation problem looms large behind today’s information superhighway. Ancient humans preserved their knowledge by engraving bones and rocks. About two millennia ago, people invented paper to publish their thoughts. Today we use magnetic media and silicon chips to store our data. But bones and rocks erode, paper disintegrates, and electronic memory ultimately degrades. All these storage media require constant attention to maintain their information content. All are easily destroyed by people and natural disasters, whether intentionally or accidentally. In light of the vast amount of information being generated everyday, it’s time to consider a new medium.
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