
Doom 3 Performance Check


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Doom 3 Demo1 Medium Quality


Benchmark information

From: id Software
Typ: DirectX 9 real game benchmark
Used  demo: demo1

Description: Doom 3 has definitely the most complex 3D Engine these days and we can expect to see the engine in lots of other games soon. In medium quality settings all textures are compressed and used in full size.

Costs: Full version about 45€
Download: -
Size: 3 CDs

More benchmarks

Doom 3 Demo1 Ultra High Quality
Doom 3 Demo1 High Quality
Doom 3 Demo1 Medium Quality
Doom 3 Demo1 Low Quality

Values from in  

NVIDIA GeForce FX 5950
nV38 - 475/950 MHz - 256MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 Utra
nV30 - 400/1000 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900
nV35 - 400/850 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce 5900 Ultra
nV35 - 450/850 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800
nV30 - 400/800 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce 5900 XT
nV35 - 400/700 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro
R300 - 325/620 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
R350 - 380/680 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9800 XT
R360 - 412/730 MHz - 256MB
ATI Radeon 9800
R350 - 325/620 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9700
R300 - 275/550 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9600 XT
RV360 - 500/600 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5700
nV36 - 425/600 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro
RV350 - 400/600 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 Ultra
nV31 - 350/700 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600
nV31 - 325/550 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce 4600
nV25 - 300/650 MHz - 128MB
ATI Radeon 9600
RV350 - 325/400 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce 4400
nV25 - 275/550 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce 4200
nV25 - 250/500 MHz - 128MB
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
nV34 - 250/400 MHz - 128MB
67,7 (100%)
67,3 (100%)
66,3 (99%)
66,8 (99%)
64,3 (96%)
64,9 (96%)
63,6 (94%)
62,8 (93%)
62,9 (93%)
60,4 (90%)
59,6 (88%)
54 (81%)
51,7 (76%)
50 (75%)
49,2 (73%)
43,9 (64%)
42,3 (63%)
40,2 (60%)
39,5 (58%)
37,4 (55%)
20,6 (30%)

fps (larger is better)


Sort on with as 100% (reference) value.

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Inhalt: Doom 3 Performance Check

Übersicht der Benchmarks in diesem Artikel:

[1] Doom 3 Demo1 Ultra High Quality
[2] Doom 3 Demo1 High Quality

[3] Doom 3 Demo1 Medium Quality
[4] Doom 3 Demo1 Low Quality

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