
VIA stellt den Chipsatz KT400 offiziell vor

Freitag, 16. Aug. 2002 13:22 - [al] - Quelle:

VIA hat heute den Chipsatz für AMD-CPUs KT400 vorgestellt. Wie erwartet bringt dieser jedoch keine innovativen Features mit sich.

So wird lediglich AGP8x unterstützt und der Takt der V-Link zwischen der North- und Southbridge von 266 MHz auf 533 MHz angehoben. Der Name des Chipsatzes kann verwirren: DDR400 Speicher, der einen Datendurchsatz von ca. 3,2 GByte/s zulässt, wird nur inoffiziell unterstützt. Doch VIA empfielt ausschließlich Speichermodule nach PC200/266/333 Standard. Weitere Informationen können Sie der Homepage von VIA Technologies oder der folgendes Pressemitteilung entnehmen. Pressemitteilung VIA Apollo KT400 Chipset Launches at QuakeCon 2002, Enabling Stratospheric Performance in AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Based Systems The world's most efficient DDR Memory Controller, AGP 8X for next generation graphics processors, 8X V-Link and USB 2.0 for ultra fast connectivity combine to crown the new king of Socket A compatible chipsets QuakeCon 2002: Mesquite, Texas, 16 August 2002 - VIA Technologies, Inc., a leading innovator and developer of silicon chip technologies and PC platform solutions, today launched the VIA Apollo KT400, the next generation chipset for the AMD Athlon™ XP processor, at QuakeCon 2002, the world's greatest multi-player gaming event. Optimized for the needs of gamers, enthusiasts and professionals requiring the fastest system performance and the very latest I/O and connectivity features, the VIA Apollo KT400 is a no compromise solution aimed at making AMD Athlon™ XP processor based systems more powerful than ever before. The continued evolution of VIA's market leading memory controller technology enables the AMD Athlon XP processor to do more work clock for clock than with rival chipset platforms, while 2.1GB/s of AGP 8X bandwidth allows the VIA Apollo KT400 to be paired with the most powerful new graphics processors to create systems that take the end user experience onto a new plane. "Simply stated, the VIA Apollo KT400 is the most capable performance chipset ever designed for Socket A compatible motherboards," commented Ted Lee, Vice President of Marketing, VIA Technologies, Inc. "Gamers, enthusiasts and professionals have an enduring appetite for more system performance and we are confident that the launch of the KT400 will consolidate our leadership in this important segment." "AMD and VIA continue to deliver the products and performance our shared customers demand," said Rich Heye, vice president platform engineering and infrastructure for AMD's Computation Products Group. "The VIA Apollo KT400 chipset and AMD Athlon processors combine to provide performance, stability and compatibility for users of a full range of memory-intensive applications including gaming, digital content creation and CAD." "Pairing ATI's new RADEON 9700 PRO with the VIA Apollo KT400 gives you an unbelievable gaming experience," said Rick Bergman, Senior Vice President, Marketing and General Manager, Desktop, ATI Technologies Inc. "The AGP 8X support enables gamers to realize quality and performance like never before."
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