
Alarmstufe Rot 3 Patch 1.08 Download

Mittwoch, 11. Mär. 2009 15:44 - [jp] - Quelle: 4Players

Freunde von "Command & Conquer: Alarmstufe Rot 3" dürfen sich über einen weiteren Patch freuen.

Der neue Patch trägt die Versionsnummer 1.08 und bringt deutliche Änderungen am Balancing mit sich, aber auch am User Interface wurde einiges verbessert. Wie üblich behebt der Patch auch einige Bugs.

Change-Log (Bug Fixes):
  • Fixed a bug that would cause ore collectors to stop gathering when a building with repair drones was placed while the collector was docked at the ore node.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the game to crash when left idle in a high population online lobby for an extended period of time.
  • Fixed a bug that caused garrisoning units to follow a twinblade from the ground if a stop command was given to the twinblade during the garrison.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed walls and wall hubs to be built on spaces occupied by enemy infantry.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed multiple walls to be built simultaneously.
  • Fixed an exploit that granted credits and an engineer withoutdestorying the MCV when sold.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed Allies to build instantly via cryocopter and chrono rift.
  • Fixed a desync that may have occured while loading an online co-op game.
Alarmstufe Rot 3 Patch 1.08
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