
Skype Beta ist da

Freitag, 10. Jun. 2005 18:04 - [jp]

Das bekannte Internettelefonie-Programm Skype liegt nun in der Version Beta vor. In der neuen Version wurden zahlreiche Bugfixes integriert und somit Probleme behoben. Unter Windows 98 stürzt das Programm offenbar noch ab, unter anderen Betriebssystemen scheint das nicht zu passieren.


10.06.2005 Version Beta

known issue: when you have chatted a lot, new version startup might take several minutes
known issue: crashes on Windows 98
bugfix: removed redundant quotes in Send Contacts dialog
bugfix: access violations when launching Skype in some languages
bugfix: Skype took 100% CPU on some mashines during startup
bugfix: access violation if changing language when being logged off
bugfix: focus was moving in search
bugfix: Outlook importer did not find all possible e-mails
bugfix: new profile dialog did not fit to 800x600 screen
bugfix: search: searching for 50+ did not give any results
bugfix: authorization requests did not work on some cases
bugfix: multichat window participant's icon indicated active call, though no call in progress
bugfix: chat: dragging a file to a participant should NOT send it to all participants
bugfix: current status is disabled in onlinestatus selector menus
bugfix: File Transfer toolbar button disabled if address bar does not contain valid Skype Name
bugfix: range check errors when moving window on dual-monitor setup
bugfix: Skype did not log in automatically
bugfix: memory leak during search
bugfix: mute button not working if main window width too small
bugfix: call buttons were misplaced if screen resolution changed
bugfix: crash when sending open file
bugfix: API: VOICEMAIL doesn't take Skype window to focus
bugfix: API: open chat does not prefill chat message
bugfix: API: conference tab was not always focused with SET CALL xx JOIN_CONFERENCE YY api command

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