
Windows Programme auf dem Mac - ohne Windows!

Mittwoch, 06. Sep. 2006 13:44 - [jp]

"Crossover Mac" ist das Zauberwort. Mit dieser Software laufen Windows Programme auf Intel basierten Macs, und das ohne Windows installieren zu müssen.

Das Programm steht in einer 60 Tage Testversion zum Ausprobieren bereit.

Der Hersteller schreibt:

"CrossOver Mac will be the very best way to run your Windows applications on your Intel based Mac. It will let you install and run Windows programs as though they were native, all without having to buy or run a copy of Windows itself.

This beta version will give you a taste of the promise of CrossOver, but should be considered an early test release - we intend to make substantial further improvements before we ship a production version.

If you're not interested in experimental software, you should skip this and wait for notice of the production release.

However, if you are interested in helping us to test CrossOver, we would very much like your feedback."

Die CrossOver Mac 6.0 Beta 1 ist rund 30 MB groß.
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