
Quake 4 Beta Patch

Dienstag, 13. Dez. 2005 18:39 - [jp] - Quelle:

Für Quake 4 ist ein Beta-Patch mit der Versionsnummer 1.0.5 erschienen. Dieser richtet sich vor allem an Nutzer von Dualcore-Prozessoren, Multi-Prozessor-Systemen und Hyperthreading-CPUs. id Software spricht von Performanceverbesserungen im Bereich von 25% bis 87%.

QUAKE 4 1.0.5 BETA Update Available

A BETA update for QUAKE 4 is now available. This update is recommended for Windows users with Intel Hyper-Threading Technology (HT Technology) enabled processors, multiple processors, or systems with a dual core processor. The update is also required for Windows and Linux server admins as it addresses a recently identified problem with servers left unoccupied for very long periods of time (these servers will appear to be operating normally, but will crash clients that attempt to connect to them). This update will bring any previous version of the game (1.0.0 or 1.0.4) up to date and will not affect pure server, PunkBuster compatibility or protocol consistency.

id Software and Raven have worked with Intel to dramatically improve QUAKE 4 performance on systems with HT Technology, multiple processors, or dual core processors. Players who have a system with one of these configurations will
notice performance gains in QUAKE 4 of anywhere from 25% - 87% depending on processor type. If you do not know whether or not you have a multi-processor, dual core, or HT Technology enabled system, please see the
ReadMe file for simple instructions on checking your system. Please use the form at to report any issues you find with the 1.0.5 update.

Den Patch finden Sie direkt bei id Software und die Größe beträgt 13 MB (für Windows) beziehungsweise 19 MB (für Linux).

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