
Download: foobar2000 0.9.5 Beta 3 Audioplayer

Montag, 05. Nov. 2007 17:23 - [jp]

Wer nicht auf Winamp setzen möchte, für den könnte "foobar2000" eine Alternative darstellen.

Im Gegensatz zu Winamp ist die Oberfläche von foobar2000 sehr schlicht gehalten, dafür kann das Programm mit einer hervorragenden Performance glänzen und lässt sich per Plugins erweitern. Nun gibt es die Version 0.9.5 Beta 3.

  • Regression: Installing 0.9.5 beta 1 or beta 2 on Windows XP requires administrator rights
  • Bug: Notification area icon reacts when a neighbouring icon vanishes after being double-clicked
  • Feature: Option to have mouse wheel affect the UI Element under the mouse pointer
  • Bug: Can't undo sort operations on non-force-sorted autoplaylists
  • Accessibility: Keyboard focus is trapped on the menu in certain situtations
  • Bug: Certain layouts are not rendered correctly after loading until the window is resized
  • Bug: Tab characters not expanded properly in status bar (temporary workaround)
  • Bug: Can't load theme files into scratchbox through drag&drop
  • Bug: Hitting page up button after selecting an album through clicking on group header navigates to the top of the playlist instead of just up by one page
  • Bug: Weird selection behaviour when selecting several playlist in the playlist switcher with the right mouse button and shift
Download foobar2000
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