
StarCraft II Wings of Liberty: Beta Pause

Mittwoch, 19. Mai. 2010 08:24 - [jp] - Quelle: Forum

Die erste Beta-Phase von StarCraft II endet Ende Mai. Dann ist erst einmal Pause angesagt.

Blizzard hat mitgeteilt, dass Änderungen an der Hard- und Software für die finale Testphase eine Unterbrechung erfordern. Im entsprechenden Forum heißt es:

"We’d like to let all of our StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test participants know that the first phase of the beta test will be coming to an end in all regions on Monday, May 31. The beta test will be unavailable for several weeks while we make some hardware and software configuration changes in preparation for the final phase of the beta test and the release of the game. We plan to bring the beta test back online for a couple of weeks prior to the game’s launch to complete our testing. We’ll have more details to share about when this final beta-testing phase will begin at a later date.

We’d like to thank all of our beta-test participants for your enthusiasm, dedication, and valuable feedback during the beta test, and we look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the StarCraft II beta test as the game’s July 27 launch approaches."

Es sind also nur knapp zwei Wochen, bis vorübergehend Schluss mit Testen ist.
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