
Microsoft: Am Patch-Day kommen 13 Patches

Freitag, 04. Feb. 2005 11:14 - [jp] - Quelle:

Der nächste Microsoft Patch-Day ist am 8. Februar, also kommenden Dienstag. Für diesen Patch-Day hat Microsoft nun insgesamt 13 Patches angekündigt, die meisten davon haben die Redmonder als kritisch eingestuft. Neun der 13 Patches betreffen Windows selbst (inkl. dem Internet Explorer).

Die weiteren Patches beziehen sich auf Microsoft Office, Sharepoint, .Net Framework, Visual Studio, Windows Media Player und MSN Messenger.

Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification

On February 8, 2005, the Microsoft Security Response Center is planning to release:

  • 9 Microsoft Security Bulletins affecting Microsoft Windows. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for these security updates is Critical. Some of these updates will require a restart.
  • 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft SharePoint Services and Office. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for this security bulletin is Moderate. These updates may or may not require a restart.
  • 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft .NET Framework. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for this security bulletin is Important. This update will require a restart.
  • 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Office and Visual Studio. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for this security bulletin is Critical. These updates will require a restart.
  • 1 Microsoft Security Bulletin affecting Microsoft Windows, Windows Media Player, and MSN Messenger. The greatest aggregate, maximum severity rating for these security updates is Critical. These updates will require a restart.

Wir können nur dringend anraten, die Patches sobald wie möglich nach Erscheinen zu installieren.

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