
PCMark Vantage HD 3300


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PCMark Vantage HD 3300
3DMark Vantage HD 3300
PCMark 05
HDTach Zugriffszeit
HDTach CPU Utilization
HDTach Lesedurchsatz
Super PI 1M
Everest Durchsatz
Everest Latency
WinRAR Compress
Sandra CPU Multimedia
Sandra CPU Arithmetik
Cinebench R10 MP
Crysis DX10
3DMark06 HD 3300

Values from in  

MSI DKA790GX Platinum
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
ASRock AOD790GX/128M
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
Jetway HA07-Ultra
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
Foxconn A7DA-S
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
Biostar TA790GX3 A2+
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
DFI Lanparty JR 790GX-M2RS
AMD 790GX Radeon HD 3300
4376 [100%]
4239 [97%]
4171 [95%]
4117 [94%]
4011 [92%]
4000 [91%]
3650 [83%]

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